
the wOrd list...

A little bit of randomness for this random day... This was created from a random list of words we were given to make a poem out of during RA training (2003 ish...)

Live life full speed
Big Mack slurpee
Don't know which way
My way highway
Dream big let go
Operation Superman
Here's the thing
Snowman king
Eyes wide
Not shut
Learn lots
Walk a mile
In my shoes
Think lots
You choose
Slippery when wet
My turn not yet
Smelly candle
Burn bright
Moon beam
Night light
Here's where time ends
Bikini islands
Live life
Where you at
Dream big ...

Take That...


bEautiful giRls...

A few more Baby Cards... these are of my two favorite little ladies.. My Daughter and my Niece.... Enjoy!!!

- Daughter Emelia's Birth Announcement... 6.2008
(photos by Art & Soul Photgraphy.)

- Niece Bella's Baby Shower Invite... 2.2009

- Valentines Day Card of Emelia... 2.2009

- Niece Bella's Birth Announcement... 3.2009

- My precious little girl's First Birthday Invitation... 6.2009
(photos by Art & Soul Photgraphy.)


I am working on a Baby Shower invite for my Sis-In-Law (will post when it is done) BUT just thought I would post a few of the cute little baby cards I have done. All photos were taken my Art & Soul Photography! Thanks Erin, you ROCK!


bAck to school...

The BLOG is officially up and since everyone is in the frenzy of going back to school I thought what better way to kick off my first post but to get out some old GRADUATION card designs.. Just to remind everyone that there is a light at the end of this tunnel.. He he...

So here are a few of my favorite Custom Grad/Senior cards that I designed a few years back for Art & Soul Photography. Thanks Erin... these were fun!!!

2007 Grads...

2008 Grads...

& a few 2008 Grad cards that we got to do in Spanish... which was a new and fun design challenge...


Well here it is my new BLOG... yep time to pick it back up and get my artsy side back online... So without further ado here is a little something-something to get things back up & running.... ENJOY!!!

The day that no one forgot,
a day unlike any other
This day was not

It started out as most days do
through thick and thin
Clouded sky of blue

The hours flew by as a snail on speed
The minutes came next Truth indeed

Lunch did happen as well as dinner
Break and breakfast too

This day did happen, as some would have said
"A day without ending" the news had now read

Free coffee for breakfast but none left for tea
The muffins were excellent Oh do pardon me
We ate and we ate oh my is it late

But on to this day the no one forgot
Such one so unlike any other
Hmmmm… I might just go call my brother

No diamond rings on a finger or two
A letter forgot, as things tend to do
Packages missing, flowers all lost
I do hope the piano comes with no cost

Lessons we learnt on this uncommon day
We will find out come June, August, or May

The life of the party was left far behind
And we hit pay dirt; I'm loosing my mind

The wine was delicious, the grape juice all sour
I might keep this up another half hour

The car will not start…
I don't think I have one
And if I so did then where would I park one
The tasting of cheese is a rare lost old art

Onc can not find,
the grass green as dew
Or the sun right as rain
The day no one missed out
I sure won't complain

Shrubbery falls on the outskirts of town
I think I shall wear a blue, grayish, brown

The toast it may burn
Oh when is my turn
I have stood in this line
And where shall it move I surely know not
On this uncommon day that no one forgot

For if everyday were as normal as this
Oh what a boring life we would miss

No movies or pancakes, No toilets to clean
The clock says it's late, But what does that mean

The radio is playing a love minuet
Or maybe a sonnet…
Or a one person duet

O' I do hope there is nothing
.....I soon