
Ode to the Pumpkin Patch...

The costumes are hung
in the closet with care.
The snow is now falling,
November is here...

October was fun,
we all had a ball.
Hello Winter,
Goodbye Fall...

Ok, so maybe it is not officially winter, but today it is SNOWING out my front door! Today also marks the end of my 3rd season working out at Anderson Farms. I love this time of year when I get to spend my days in the wonderful fresh Fall air, greeting thousands of field trip kids all excited to pick their own pumpkin fresh from the patch!

Not only do I get to work with the kids that come to the farm, but I get to be the official photographer on select weekends. WOO HOO!!! This year I did several photo shoots for both Fall Festival and Terror in the Corn. Here are a few of my favorite glimpses into Fall on the farm!!!

(And just in case you were wondering, the last 2 images are from Terror in the Corn so be warned.)

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